
Post to all top job boards in a single click

There are thousands of qualified candidates out there—make sure they see your jobs.

Makios Technology
Valley Women’s Health
Quench It
Select Dental Partners
Beacon Industrial Services

Post to top job boards with a single click.

Automatically post new jobs to Indeed, ZipRecruiter, LinkedIn, Glassdoor, and Talent.com, as well as your company career page. 


Quickly add job posts for every open position.

Create job posts that will attract the right candidates. Simply customize your applications with the job description, the candidate information you want to receive, and any custom questions you’d like to add.

Reach even more candidates by boosting your jobs.

Want a job to have even more visibility? Promote it with ZipRecruiter’s TrafficBoost, which sends up to 3 times more traffic to your job post, or with JobTarget, which posts jobs to your choice of over 25,000 job boards.

Keep track of applicants in real time.

Set up custom notifications to get alerted every time you receive an application, so you can monitor the results of your hiring process on a day-to-day basis. 

Trusted by hundreds of local businesses everywhere.

Advent Property Advisors

This software has helped us tremendously with our hiring and onboarding procedures. Much easier to use than the onboarding software we were using.

Advent Property Advisors
Valley Women's Health Logo

Loved the customer service, the pricing and the design. Really awesome Software.

Valley Women's Health
Blue Fire Leads Logo

The ATS and onboarding features work really well together. The time tracking and PTO are a huge help and easy to use.

Blue Fire Leads

Ready to see how Eddy can simplify your hiring processes?

Schedule time for a customized demo.
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