HR Maverick

Brandon Buttars

Brandon Buttars, MHR

Brandon is an HR Manager of Technology at Vivint. He is extremely passionate about all things HR but has his focus in employee engagement, retention, performance management, and compensation analysis. He approaches HR from a very strategic and data-drive mindset. When HR is not on his mind he spends time outdoors with his family! Work hard play hard is there motto.

What words of advice and encouragement would you give to someone just starting out in HR?

Find your purpose! It will change time from time but find your center and what you are passionate about and go after it. It can be easy in HR to wind up down a path you did not want and then you feel stuck. Try lots of things at the beginning and then settle in and get ready to HR. Ask yourself what am I passionate about? What in HR excites me? Where are my HR strengths? What are my values? Those questions will help you determine your HR Purpose.

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