What is a 60-Day Employee Review?

A 60-day employee review is an opportunity to check in with new hires to see if there are any issues with their onboarding process and initial job responsibilities. While the 30-day review provides initial insight into the onboarding process, a 60-day review allows for more feedback about their actual experience in the day-to-day duties of the position.

Keeping up with all of your new hires can get overwhelming though, so we recommend using an HR software like Eddy to keep all your onboarding and managing processes organized and automated. Schedule a demo with us today to see how we can help you save hours a week on tedious administrative tasks.

Why You Should Meet with Employees at the End of Their Second Month

Meeting with employees at the 60-day mark allows you to gauge their progress as they begin acclimating to their day-to-day role at the company. Additionally, 60-day reviews can:

  • Give the new hire time to get up to speed on job responsibilities. The 30-day review likely didn’t include discussion around job responsibilities; at 60 days, employees have more experience to discuss.
  • Determine their overall job satisfaction. Having spent two months with the company and in the position, the employee can provide feedback about how they feel in their role and whether they are satisfied.
  • Identify any roadblocks in their role. If the employee is having any issues, the 60-day review may be able to identify solutions early enough that it doesn’t create a negative experience.
  • Get a better idea of how they are performing. While the 60-day review isn’t focused solely on performance, they’ve spent enough time on the job for you to get an idea of how they’re performing.

How to Conduct a 60-Day Review

The following steps will help you conduct an efficient, informative 60-day review.

1. Know What You Hope to Accomplish

Since they’ve spent some time on the job, the 60-day review should consist of a mix of onboarding and job-specific questions. Make sure that your questions will give you an accurate assessment of their initial performance and your onboarding process.

2. Schedule a Specific Time and Place

Though it isn’t a formal performance review, you want to set aside time on the employee’s calendar to conduct a thorough review. Not only will it allow you to compile all of the information you need, it can help the employee feel valued if you conduct their 60-day review in a private environment where there are no distractions.

3. Maintain an Open Conversation

While you are asking questions to gauge an employee’s ability, the 60-day review serves as an opportunity for employees to identify issues they are experiencing that you may not be aware of. Make sure to keep the conversation open so the employee feels comfortable sharing their genuine thoughts.

4. Document the Conversation

Let the employee know beforehand, but you should take notes on their responses to your questions. This helps you better analyze the meeting after the fact and focus your present attention on the employee when conducting the review. Additionally, you can use these notes to prepare for the 90-day review.

5. Ask for Feedback

You will have another opportunity to gauge performance and feedback in a 90-day review, but make sure to ask for any additional thoughts or questions the employee may haveã…¡on the review process or anything elseã…¡before wrapping up the meeting.

Other Tips

The following tips can help you create a positive experience for the employee and best utilize the time set aside for your 60-day review.

  • Create conversation around long-term goals. The 60-day review is still early in the process, but you want to begin the conversation around long-term goals to help encourage employees to plan ahead and increase retention.
  • Ask for specific feedback about the team and organization. Specific information is the best way to learn about areas of the team and organization that need improvement. Make sure that the employee isn’t afraid to give accurate feedback.
  • Cover any issues that have been presented by their managers. If managers have discussed issues with you, the 60-day review is a good time to bring them up and work through potential solutions with the employee.

12 Questions to Ask During a 60-Day Review

The following types of questions can help you prepare and conduct an effective 60-day review.

Questions About Onboarding

Although the onboarding process isn’t complete, at this meeting employees will have more feedback to provide than in the 30-day review.

  • How has your training in the first 30 days set you up for success in the following 30 days? This is a question that can help you get a high-level assessment of whether your onboarding process is effective. If they don’t feel like they were set up for success, dig in further.
  • What about our onboarding process has worked best in getting you up to speed? Identify the areas that are working in your onboarding process and double down on them in the future.
  • What would you change about the onboarding process to better prepare you for the position? Addressing areas that weren’t helpful or that caused issues in the onboarding process is the best way to brainstorm solutions and provide a better experience for new hires in the future.

Questions About the Position

With more time spent on the job, new hires will likely have more feedback regarding the position in their 60-day review.

  • How does the job compare to your expectations? This question can be used to assess how accurate the job description was and what you can change to create a better experience for new hires.
  • What roadblocks to meeting your responsibilities in the position have you experienced? Identifying roadblocks early on allows you to adjust the position or work with the employee to find ways to better meet expectations.
  • How do you see your job relating to the organization’s mission and vision? This question displays the employee’s awareness of their role in the organization. It also highlights whether managers and trainers have clearly defined that role to them.
  • What other information, tools or resources can we provide to help you be successful? Identify any additional assistance or resources that the employee feels they are lacking in order to help them improve their performance.

Question About the Team

Now that the employee has spent more time with the team in their day-to-day responsibilities, you can gauge how they are feeling as part of the team.

  • What have you enjoyed most about your current team? This question highlights what is working well, and can help identify strong leaders to bring on as mentors in the future.
  • How has your team been helpful (or not) during your onboarding? By asking if the team has been helpful, you’ll be able to assess whether the new hire fits in with the team dynamic, or if they are struggling to work with their teammates.
  • What roadblocks have you run into with your team? How can we help remove them? As a follow-up to the previous questions, identifying roadblocks early on can avoid more destructive issues within the team later on. By asking for the employee’s input about how to remove roadblocks, you gain first-hand feedback to improve your process and help the employee feel more empowered.

Questions About Goals

By the 60-day review, employees should have some idea of their goals and whether they are on track to achieve them.

  • How can we more clearly explain what the organization expects of employees in the future? If an employee is still uncertain about your expectations of them, you should prioritize finding a way to most effectively outline their specific responsibilities.
  • How do you feel you are pacing to your goals? How can we help you achieve the goals for your next 30 days? This question serves as a self-assessment for the employee. It gives you an idea of how they set goals and also allows the employee to provide feedback on how you can help them achieve their goals.

If, at all, you feel overwhelmed by the tasks that are associated with new hires, onboarding, payroll, PTO, etc. schedule a demo with us today to see how we can help you! Eddy specializes in making HR processes as simple as possible.