Customer Case Study

Remi Vista, Inc.

With so few all-in-one employee management software options out there, many businesses have to make do with workarounds. Remi Vista, Inc. was one of them. Before Eddy, they were “utilizing software that literally could not be updated any longer and trying to do band-aids.” Now, the HR team is loving the centralized system and automated processes that Eddy provides.
Remi Vista, Inc

Industry: Healthcare

Location: Redding, California

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Remi Vista, Inc. is a Northern-California-based nonprofit that provides therapeutic services to children and teens. Established in 1969, the organization has since grown to include six locations. They offer community counseling to families in crisis, helping them overcome the challenges associated with depression, anxiety, and trauma.

Kelly Murphy leads five HR coordinators who manage Remi Vista, Inc.’s people processes. When she first came to the organization, she quickly realized that the coordinators were drowning in tedious, manual tasks—and that’s when she found Eddy.

Features They Love

When she was hunting for a new hiring software, Kelly just wanted to find something that would save her money when posting jobs. Eddy didn’t disappoint on that front, but Kelly was excited to learn what else it can do. 

One of her favorite hiring features is the drag-and-drop hiring pipeline. “The first thing I was shown was the ability to see the full picture of where the candidate was in the process … I loved that.”

She’s also a big fan of candidate texting. “I set up the texting immediately because that was a line of communication we’ve never had before. So that is huge for my staff.”

Eddy helps Remi Vista, Inc. store all their employee documents securely, keeping them organized and accessible. Kelly is thrilled “to be able to have I-9s, W-4s … all of that available for my staff to pull up everything [in one view].”

She also adds, “I have a 2023 employee handbook that I’m about to finish within a few days. And I’m going to be able to upload that!”

Remi Vista, Inc. uses Eddy to stay on top of upcoming employee birthdays and work anniversaries. “I love that it brings up the birthdays and what’s coming forward, the anniversaries, and it’s all there in one screen.”


Before Eddy, Remi Vista, Inc. had “seven different software platforms. Nothing was really connected. It was redundancy, redundancy, redundancy. The payroll software was one … the training track was another, the hiring track was another, the onboarding track was another.” With so many systems, the HR department wasn’t operating at peak efficiency.

Kelly says, “I was looking for a hiring platform and I was paying somewhere around 6,000 a month” to post on popular job boards. So she decided to start by finding a new platform to help with hiring.


That’s when she discovered Eddy—and learned that it does much more than just hiring.

“As I was reading further, I saw that it also had HR abilities. And then I got super excited. I was like, oh my gosh, I didn’t expect this. I didn’t expect to have that capability. So I got super excited for my staff because they were going to not suffer as much.”

“It was going to be helpful for the company and we were immediately going to save [money]. And it was really just a wonderful experience.”


An Efficient, All-in-One Solution

With Eddy, Remi Vista, Inc. can integrate processes that previously required separate software systems. Instead of having multiple outdated programs to deal with, they’ll bring everything into one central location: Eddy.

Kelly is excited “to be able to go to the training track, the onboarding process, to even be able to connect payroll at some point down the road.”

Easy for Employees and HR Staff Alike

New Eddy customers are always thrilled with how easy the platform is to learn and use—and Remi Vista, Inc. is no exception.

“My IT guy is saying, hey Kelly, this is a really intuitive program. And he's seen lots of programs. And so I am just really happy that they're liking it. The HR coordinators … are really utilizing it.

The bottom line? “Eddy has been amazing for us. Amazing.”

Hours Saved Onboarding New Hires

Without Eddy, onboarding took between one-and-a-half and two hours per new hire. Kelly shares, “My HR coordinators had to take 38 single pieces of paper, scan them on a copier, send [the documents] to themselves in an email, and then upload them to a software program for every new hire.”

Now, onboarding takes just a fraction of that time. Digital templates are stored in Eddy, so sending onboarding packets doesn’t require a copier—or even an email.

Kelly’s final thoughts express just how much Eddy has helped her and her coordinators fulfill their responsibilities. “I am an Eddy advocate. I was over the moon with Eddy and what it was able to do, and my staff is still over the moon with it.”

“Eddy is relevant for now, for right now. For 2023. Eddy is relevant for everyone.”


Before Eddy, Remi Vista, Inc. had “seven different software platforms. Nothing was really connected. It was redundancy, redundancy, redundancy. The payroll software was one … the training track was another, the hiring track was another, the onboarding track was another.” With so many systems, the HR department wasn’t operating at peak efficiency.

Kelly says, “I was looking for a hiring platform and I was paying somewhere around 6,000 a month” to post on popular job boards. So she decided to start by finding a new platform to help with hiring.


That’s when she discovered Eddy—and learned that it does much more than just hiring.

“As I was reading further, I saw that it also had HR abilities. And then I got super excited. I was like, oh my gosh, I didn’t expect this. I didn’t expect to have that capability. So I got super excited for my staff because they were going to not suffer as much.”

“It was going to be helpful for the company and we were immediately going to save [money]. And it was really just a wonderful experience.”


An Efficient, All-in-One Solution

With Eddy, Remi Vista, Inc. can integrate processes that previously required separate software systems. Instead of having multiple outdated programs to deal with, they’ll bring everything into one central location: Eddy.

Kelly is excited “to be able to go to the training track, the onboarding process, to even be able to connect payroll at some point down the road.”

Easy for Employees and HR Staff Alike

New Eddy customers are always thrilled with how easy the platform is to learn and use—and Remi Vista, Inc. is no exception.

“My IT guy is saying, hey Kelly, this is a really intuitive program. And he's seen lots of programs. And so I am just really happy that they're liking it. The HR coordinators … are really utilizing it.

The bottom line? “Eddy has been amazing for us. Amazing.”

Hours Saved Onboarding New Hires

Without Eddy, onboarding took between one-and-a-half and two hours per new hire. Kelly shares, “My HR coordinators had to take 38 single pieces of paper, scan them on a copier, send [the documents] to themselves in an email, and then upload them to a software program for every new hire.”

Now, onboarding takes just a fraction of that time. Digital templates are stored in Eddy, so sending onboarding packets doesn’t require a copier—or even an email.

Kelly’s final thoughts express just how much Eddy has helped her and her coordinators fulfill their responsibilities. “I am an Eddy advocate. I was over the moon with Eddy and what it was able to do, and my staff is still over the moon with it.”

“Eddy is relevant for now, for right now. For 2023. Eddy is relevant for everyone.”

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