What Is Employee Reassignment?

Employee reassignment is the change of an individual’s role from one position to another with different performance requirements. This change is within the same company without promotion or demotion. Do not confuse this with a transfer or promotion.

Reassignment vs Promotion

As previously stated, a reassignment moves an employee from one position to another without promotion or demotion. The employee keeps working for the same company but in a different capacity. 

A promotion advances an employee to a position either laterally or vertically, which may come with a higher pay or an acknowledgment of greater responsibility within the same pay grade. 

What Are the Benefits of Employee Reassignment?

The benefits of employee reassignment can be rewarding to both employer and employee. It can boost and strengthen the company brand and morale. It shows employees the company cares. 

  • Reduce hiring. When the employee’s skills, work ethic and reputation align with company values, they make a good candidate for reassignment, reducing the need to hire new employees.

  • Retain high-quality employees. Reassignment allows the company to keep exceptional employees even if their current job is no longer needed within the company.

  • Reduce cost. A reassignment saves the company money and time because the company does not need to retrain or go through the onboarding process with a new employee. 
  • Morale booster. Reassigning an employee can send the message that the company cares and wants to invest time in their human capital. 

Reasons to Reassign an Employee

There are many reasons for reassigning an employee. Some reasons are voluntary and others are involuntary. Voluntary means the employee requested the change for a variety of reasons. Involuntary means the manager of the department saw a necessary change for the employee and instead of termination, the employee was reassigned. 

  • Misaligned employee. This can happen when job responsibilities do not or no longer align with the current job description of the employee.

  • Alternative position. If the company is eliminating a position, the company may reassign the employee to retain them.

  • Work-related barrier. There are several work related barriers that can lead to reassignment.
    • Sometimes employees can no longer perform the essential functions of their current position without accommodations. The reassignment could accommodate their change in performance capacity.
    • This barrier may be formed when a leave of absence prevents the employer from holding a position for the entire leave period without incurring undue hardships. 
    • If location creates a work-related barrier that affects employee access or commute, a reassignment may be a great solution.

How to Manage Employee Reassignment

To handle an employee reassignment, the company needs to look at the reasons and consider the path to take. Below are some suggested steps to make the transition smoother. 

Step 1: Meet With the Supervisor, Business Executive and/or HR Manager 

This meeting will discuss the decision to reassign the employee. It is important to listen to any concerns and answer questions. Be sure to sit with the new supervisor to discuss the reason and get feedback. Keep all parties in the loop when reassignment happens. This meeting should include the date of reassignment. 

Step 2: Meet With the Employee 

This meeting will explain the reassignment and discuss changes to the job. It will address any conflict, work-related barriers and performance issues and set the expectations for the employee in the new assignment. Be prepared for some resistance if this is not a voluntary reassignment by the employee or already agreed upon with the supervisor. 

Step 3: Address Issues With HR or the Manager

HR and managers should help employees understand the new job responsibilities and all it encompasses. Have clear communication and support employees with the reassignment. Be sure to listen to the employee’s concerns. 

Step 4: Communicate Details 

Ensure all parties involved have all the information needed to complete the process, such as date of reassignment, change of pay rate and a reassignment letter with all signatures.