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How to Get Started Learning
1Already have a specific term in mind?Use the search bar to find exactly what you’re looking for.
2Interested in a broader topic?Click through the topic tabs to see everything we’ve written in a number of key areas
3Not sure where to start?Fill out our HR Skills Assessment and we’ll create a personalized learning plan for you. (Temporarily unavailable)
Advice and Encouragement from other HR Professionals
With so much to learn, getting started in HR can be intimidating! But we know you can do this. And so does the rest of the community. We asked some of our HR partners to share their best words of advice and encouragement. Check out what they had to say:
Brandon Fluckiger
Build a strong network with your local HR community. There are plenty of opportunities to get more exposure and experience in HR, you just have to find them!
Katie Bahr
Find your personal meaning. Every job has hard moments, but find what makes it rewarding to you.
Chase Cragun
Build your own brand. Everybody brings different strengths, insights, and attitudes towards HR. Make sure you know who you are and what you want to convey to others about yourself.
Beth Campagno
Congratulations on choosing a career in one of the most critical functions of any organization. Be a strategic partner to the business and always maintain the highest integrity in your profession.
Amanda Davis
HR is the best job in the world! You get to show off your intelligence, tenacity, courage, and skills in all the moments that matter because someone trusts you.
Wendy Kelly
HR is an amazing career, there are so many facets to choose from, find what you love and/or are passionate about. Lastly, find a mentor, we are here to help.
Nick Staley
Be a sponge. Soak up as much information as you can. Put yourself out there and network!