What Is Talent.com Recruiting?

Talent.com is a global job site where employers post jobs and job-seekers apply for jobs. Employers can post jobs for free, but can also pay to sponsor a job to attract more job-seekers.

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How Can Talent.com Recruiting Be Helpful for Companies?

Many sites are available to recruit, and every site has its pros and cons on why a company should use it to recruit talent. Here are some of the reasons why you should consider using Talent.com to recruit for your company.

  • Global reach. One of the best things about Talent.com is that it can be used globally. Talent.com works in over 70 countries, including Brazil, Mexico, China, Italy and Egypt. This allows for a diverse workforce and allows you to reach more people.
  • Free to post. Most job boards charge to post, but Talent.com allows the option to post jobs for free. To boost your job and reach more qualified candidates, you have to pay, but posting a job by itself is free and easy.
  • Integrations. Talent.com allows you to integrate it with many systems and recruiting tools your company might be using such as Appcast, Greenhouse, Pandologic, or TalentReef. Talent.com can also integrate with your company’s Application Tracking System (ATS) to improve the recruiting experience. For more information on their integrations and how to integrate your ATS, click here.
  • Quick apply option. Often when job-seekers are applying for jobs, they utilize a shotgun approach and attempt to apply for as many jobs as possible. Having a quick apply option provides  the opportunity to apply for multiple jobs in a short time. This means companies can generate more applications.

Tips for Recruiting Using Talent.com

When using Talent.com, make sure you are utilizing everything it has to offer as an effective recruiter, and creating a positive recruiting experience for candidates. Here are some tips for recruiting when you use Talent.com.

Tip 1: Follow Their Blog

Talent.com has a blog geared towards Talent.com users with constantly updated tips and tricks for recruiters, regardless of whether they are using Talent.com. It’s a great tool to use to stay up to date with recruiting trends and topics such as salary transparency or recessions.

Tip 2: Use Job Boosts

While posting jobs for free is nice, generating more views and increasing visibility by boosting your job is worth it. This saves your company time, as you will hire quicker and find more qualified candidates. It may also save money, as less time will be spent sourcing for the position. Finding more qualified candidates means you are less likely to need to hire for the position again.

Tip 3: Use Keywords in Job Titles

With the large database of jobs on Talent.com, it is important to be specific in your job title. When someone searches for a job, be sure they have an easier time finding it. It should be clear in the title what the job entails.

Tip 4: Provide a Salary Range

With so many jobs being listed on Talent.com, it is important to provide all the details candidates are looking for in a job or they will move onto another job. Posting a salary range on a job saves the candidate time and makes it more likely they will apply to the job. In fact, according to a study by Linkedin, 91% of job seekers are more likely to apply for a job if the salary range is provided.

Tip 5: Set Clear Expectations

When writing up a job posting on Talent.com, make expectations of the job and your company clear to candidates. It is hard to provide all those details without overwhelming the candidate and making the posting too wordy, but if you include your company’s mission statement, work expectations and a little about company culture, it paints a clearer picture for candidates, making them more likely to apply.

A job posting is meant to attract and sell the candidate on your company and the job itself. Failing to provide those details and simply providing the job responsibilities is not nearly as effective.

Tip 6: Utilize the Analytics

If you choose to pay for Talent.com’s enterprise level, you have access to analytics for jobs you post. This is a great way to track your job’s campaign to see where you are attracting talent, categorize qualified candidates and sort and filter data for the posting. There are many filters you can use to track the job in real time. These tools not only help with your current posting, but the data can be used to make your next posting more effective. Analytics can help your company make data-driven decisions in the hiring and recruiting process.

Tip 7: Set Hiring Goals

Talent.com has many services you can use. Which ones you choose will depend on how much you plan to use Talent.com. Set hiring goals and determine how much you will be using the site. If it is only for a job or two, you might want to use the free 50 credits offered and boost your jobs but nothing more. However, if Talent.com is something you will be using more regularly, you’ll need to decide if the services offered through their enterprise plan will help you meet your hiring goals. In addition to the analytics, you will have a dedicated account manager and a client success expert with the enterprise plan.

How to Get Started Recruiting on Talent.com

Every job site is a little different when posting jobs, so here is a step by step process on getting started on Talent.com.

Step 1: Go to Talent.com

The first step in recruiting on Talent.com is to go to the website. On the home page, you will find the button “For Employers.” Click on the button to go to the page where you can post jobs.

Step 2: Create an Account

For your first job posting, you will need to create an account. You can do that by clicking on the “Post a job” button and answering the questions to get started, or clicking the “Employers sign in,” followed by the “Create an account” link to get your account set up. Part of the setup will ask questions about your company and get your login information established. You will need to verify the email on the account through a verification code sent to your email as a final step.

Step 3: Post a Job

Once your account is created, you can post a job! Go to your account and click on the “Post a job” button. From there, you will be directed to a page to fill out everything you want to be part of your job posting. Talent.com will help with the format of the posting, but you will need to provide the content. After completing each section, click the “Next” button to move onto the next section.

Step 4: Preview Your Job Posting

After you have filled out each section of the job posting, you will be able to preview what it will look like in your browser and on mobile. This is the last chance to check for any mistakes or changes that are needed. If the posting looks like you want it to, click on the “Next” button to move to the next page.

Step 5: Provide Screening Questions

The next screen is your opportunity to add screening questions. You can add any questions to automatically screen applicants if they give an answer other than what you are looking for. Add as many screener questions as you want, or you can skip this section. Once complete, click the “Next” button.

Step 6: Job Posting Plan

After you confirm the details for your posting, you will be given the option of posting your job for free or sponsoring it by giving it a boost to generate more traffic and increase visibility. If you choose to boost a job, you will need to put in your credit card information to pay for it. However, creating a new account provides 50 free credits you may use towards boosting a job.

Step 7: Additional Recruiting Help

After posting a job, you can determine whether you want additional recruiting help or not. If you want additional help to fully utilize everything Talent.com has to offer, you can pay for their enterprise solutions plan. Prices vary depending on company size and how often you will use Talent.com. For more information on their enterprise solutions, click here.