What Is Text Recruiting?

Text recruiting uses SMS texting to recruit candidates. Typically it is an automated messaging tool used to engage candidates.

Should You Start Text Recruiting?

When it comes to recruiting, you want to communicate with your potential employee in a comfortable and convenient way. Here are some of the benefits and disadvantages of text recruiting.

Benefits of Text Recruiting

Every method of recruiting has benefits, and what works for one candidate might not work for another. Here are some of the benefits of text recruiting.

  • Quicker response time. Arguably the biggest benefit of text recruiting is that it leads to faster responses. Text recruiting means a candidate will receive the message notification almost immediately on their phone. Texts also have a higher read rate than email: 42% as compared to emails’ 32% read rate.
  • Automated messages.  Automating text messages means you are able to send messages more frequently. This saves you time, as most applicant tracking systems allow you to set up recurring automated messages without needing to send them yourself. This ensures that you are connecting with all of your candidates daily, weekly, or however frequently is needed without undue time expenditure.
  • Better candidate experience. Text recruiting helps keep your candidates more engaged. As candidates hear from you more frequently, they will feel more connected to your company and have more interest in furthering the job-seeking process with you. In fact, according to Indeed, “53% of job seekers say they trust a company more when recruiters reach out more quickly.” This communication can occur more quickly through an automated text.

Disadvantages of Text Recruiting

While text recruiting is a great tool, it is not for everyone. Here are some of the disadvantages of text recruiting.

  • Candidates miss messages. While texting has become more prevalent in recent years and has a higher read rate than emails, not all candidates utilize texting. Some candidates might have their phone set up so that they only receive texts from people they know, or check their texts only sparingly. Some candidates strictly rely on email or phone calls when it comes to the interview process. Some candidates may not have cell phones. Prior to texting candidates, make sure your candidates understand that you will be communicating with them via text.
  • Financial strain on candidates. While not as common as in past years, some candidates might have a limited amount of text messages they can receive. Frequent texting can end up being costly for them and lead to a bad recruiting experience, especially if they aren’t chosen for the job. In addition, if you send links through a text expecting them to have a smartphone they can use to click on the link, and they don’t, it can create inconvenience for the candidate or inadvertent discrimination by the recruiter.
  • Personal information is unsecured. Text is not a secure form of communication. If you do contact a candidate via text, you should not ask for any personal information. Contact them within a secure HRIS such as an applicant tracking system.

Tips for Successful Text Recruiting

Text recruiting can be quite a successful method of recruiting, if used correctly. Here are some tips to consider.

Tip 1: Use Text To Communicate, Not to Hold Long Conversations

Text recruiting should not be the only way you communicate with a candidate. You should never conduct any kind of interview or long conversation over text. Use it as a way to update candidates on the status of the position or set up a time for them to interview. In addition to this, when texting a candidate, keep it short, sweet, and to the point. Don’t try to share a lot of information over text, as it can be overwhelming and confusing.

Tip 2: Don’t Notify a Candidate of Rejection Over Text

Do not use a text to let candidates know they are not being considered for the position. In most cases, you should call the candidate; email is the next preferred method.

Tip 3: Communicate During Business Hours

Avoid sending any texts to candidates after normal working hours. The candidate may think that the job will require them to be available 24/7 and be scared off.

Tip 4: Get the Candidate’s Permission to Text

As stated by the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) and enforced by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), legally, you need a candidate’s permission to text them. Most applications ask for a candidate’s consent to make sure they are ok with being contacted via text. Do not just assume that they are ok with being texted; get their consent first.

How to Write a Text Recruiting Message

If you decide to utilize texting when recruiting, take the time to send the right message. Here are some steps to take when writing a text recruiting message.

Step 1: Start With Candidate’s Name

Starting off a text with the candidate’s name helps the candidate feel more connected to  you and makes the text message look less automated.

Step 2: Provide All Necessary Details

When writing the text, include all the necessary details, even if you have discussed something over the phone previously. For example, if you are emailing a candidate to confirm details for their interview, make sure you list the date and location, who they will be interviewing with, and if there is anything the candidate needs to bring.

Step 3: Keep It Short and to the Point

Keep your texts as short and to the point as possible. Depending on where the candidate is in the interview process, you might have already developed some rapport. If you have, that allows for additional pleasantries. Regardless, the main point of the text is to keep the candidate engaged and provide necessary details of the recruiting process.

Example Text Recruiting Messages

Here are some examples of situations where you would send texts for recruiting and what the text might look like.

Marketing Recruiting

If a candidate has opted into texts through a job board such as ZipRecruiter or Indeed, this gives you the opportunity to text them and let them know what job opportunities you have at your company. You could send them a simple text that might look something like this.

“Hi, (candidate’s name). My name is (name) and I’m with (company name). We are looking to hire for (job position). I came across your resume on (job board) and I think you’d be a great fit for the position! Are you open to connecting and discussing more?

Job Interview Invite

One of the more common ways texting is used is to invite candidates to interview. Here is a sample text you might use.

“Hi, (candidate’s name). My name is (your name) and I am the (job title) with (company name). We received your job application and are very impressed by your resume. I would like to set up a time to do an interview with you over the phone to see if this might be a good match for you and for us. Please click on the link to schedule a time that works best for you (calendar link). I look forward to talking with you soon!

Job Interview Confirmation

This is a great way to show the candidate that you care about them and are looking forward to interviewing with them. Typically you would want to send this text message either 24 hours before the interview, the morning of the interview, or both.

“Hi, (candidate’s name), hope you are doing well today! This is (your name) with (company name). I’m texting to confirm that your interview with (interviewer’s name) is scheduled for (tomorrow/later today and date) at (time). The location of the interview is (company address). If you have any questions, please let me know!

Popular Text Recruiting Tools

There are a lot of different recruiting tools to use out there. Which one to use depends on your company’s recruiting strategy. Here are some of the more popular tools.


Eddy’s applicant tracking system lets you send automated texts to candidates, as well as correspond in real time. A unified messaging inbox makes it simple to view and respond to messages, and message templates help streamline the process even more.

Learn more about texting candidates through Eddy

Sense Messaging

Sense messaging is an AI-driven platform that has helped increase response rates and growth hiring for companies within a year of use. Sense Messaging offers features that include shared inbox, text-to-apply recruiting (which allows candidates to apply via text if desired), and recruiter-driven visibility.


Textus is one of the more simple platforms recruiters can use for texting. It allows for two-way messaging between candidates and recruiters, but also allows you to send mass messages to multiple candidates at the same time, and it can provide analytics on the texts you have sent.

Jobvite Text

Jobvite helps automate much of the recruiting process. This program allows you to use textbots to automate screenings or initial conversations with candidates through text. It also has the capability of two-way text messaging between candidate and recruiter and the ability to apply via text.