Promote off-the-charts productivity with workforce management software

If you have a workforce of mostly hourly employees, scheduling the right number of them at the right time is a huge responsibility. As an HR professional, company productivity depends on you. If you’re feeling the pressure, you’re not alone! That’s why HR professionals all over have started turning to hourly workforce management software like Eddy. Not only does it let you put things like time tracking and PTO management on autopilot, but it also helps you hire, onboard, and pay employees more quickly and easily than ever. Eddy is the powerful tool you’ve been dreaming of on your most stressful, overwhelming days.

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Meet the easiest way to track time

With a staff of hourly employees, managing the daily clock-ins and clock-outs can become overwhelming. Hourly workforce management software like Eddy almost completely takes this worry off your plate!

Employees can clock in and out using their own Eddy logins. From there, you can approve timesheets in a single click. Got employees doing overtime? No problem; Eddy can handle the calculations for your state automatically. The end result: Everyone gets paid the right amount at the right time, and you managed it all without a second of stress.

More about time tracking with Eddy

Airtight compliance is now effortless

Do your employees need trainings or certifications as required by law? Managing those on paper or with spreadsheets can become a nightmare all too quickly. With Eddy, you can view a report that shows the training status of all employees at a glance, and you can see a digital copy of anyone’s certificate at any time.

Plus, Eddy will remind you when someone’s training is about to expire so they can renew it in time. An important part of your job is protecting your company and employees by keeping tabs on compliance, and that task just got easier.

More about training tracking with Eddy

Don’t let employee vacations take you by surprise

PTO management is incredibly important when you have an hourly workforce. If you don’t have enough staff to cover operations on any given day, your organization suffers. That’s where labour planning software like Eddy comes in.

First, Eddy makes it easy for you to approve PTO requests in one click, and for employees to check their PTO balance themselves without having to go through you. Plus, it has a calendar view so you can immediately see who will be out and when. Making sure you have enough employees scheduled each day is a much simpler task when Eddy’s got your back.

More about PTO management with Eddy

Get new employees in the door faster

Being short on employees is a scenario you want to avoid at all costs. When an employee quits, shifts their schedule, or drops to part-time, you need to find a replacement right away.

Eddy can help! Its applicant tracking system (ATS) lets you post jobs to top hiring sites in one click, and automatically do things like schedule interviews and send offer letters as you move candidates through the pipeline. Plus, once you get a new hire in the door, they can move through a custom onboarding checklist you design on their own. Get new employees up to speed and on the job more quickly than ever.

More about hiring with Eddy

Mistake-proof your payroll

When you have hourly employees who are all working different schedules, keeping track of what they should be paid can get complicated. Add in vacation and overtime, and payroll can get to be an absolute mess. That’s why workforce payroll software is such a lifesaver.

When you sign up for Eddy, our team is ready to take over your entire payroll process for you. As soon as we have all the necessary information, you can put your feet up and relax, knowing that we’ll make sure everyone gets paid exactly what they’re owed, every time.

More about payroll with Eddy

Trusted by hundreds of local businesses everywhere.

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Eddy is user friendly, clean, not cluttered, and has the features that we needed the most – time tracking, time off management, important document management/storage. It has a simple employee portal that’s easy to use.

Arsenal Creative
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The most difficult part of my job was tracking the complex PTO and vacation days for our staff. Having to calculate that fiasco on an Excel sheet was a nightmare. Eddy HR made that process so simple. Especially adding our various schedules for both PTO and vacation days and how they are earned. I don’t even have to think about it! The software does it all itself.

Makios Technology

What is workforce management software?

Workforce management is making sure you’re using your human resources for maximum productivity and efficiency. This can include hiring, onboarding, and scheduling so that you always have enough people to meet the demands of your customers. A workforce HR system helps you do this. It gives you a single, digital space where you can manage all aspects of your workforce, so your organization can run as smoothly as possible.

More about workforce management

Workforce management is most common in companies where employees are scheduled based on customer demand. In cases like these, scheduling, time tracking, and PTO are super important for HR professionals to keep tabs on—but that doesn’t mean these things aren’t important for other organizations, too. If your company has more than one or two employees, HR software to help you keep track of each person, their information, and their documents can be a huge help. In other words, businesses of all sizes and types can benefit from a tool like Eddy.

Software like this has lots of great benefits. First, it helps you keep your company on track for maximum productivity. Second, it keeps employees informed and in the loop about their jobs. Third, it makes your life easier as an HR professional! Workforce management software can save you time and improve your day-to-day. Everybody wins!

The answer to this question depends on the software you choose. If you’re part of a big company with hundreds or thousands of employees, you’ll have different software needs than a smaller company with just a handful. The best thing to do is make a list of the software functionalities you need the most, then search for a solution that offers them and fits your price point. Eddy, for example, offers everything from an applicant tracking system and onboarding to time tracking and payroll, and is priced to be accessible for small, local businesses with deskless employees. Check out our pricing to see if Eddy is right for you.

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